VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) is a signal protein, it stimulates the formation of blood vessels. VEGF is a subfamily of growth factors, the platelet-derived growth factor family of cystine-knot growth factors. The VEGF are critical signaling proteins in both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, such as: the novo formation of embryonic circulatory system, the growth of blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature.

The normal functions of VEGF are:

  1. Creation of new blood vessel in embryonic development
  2. New blood vessel generation after injury
  3. New muscle following exercise
  4. New vessels in collateral circulation to bypass blocked vessels.

Human vegf elisa kit

Human vegf elisa kit is a sandwich ELISA for quantitative detection of human vegf protein in edta plasma, hep plasma, saliva, serum, urine, cell culture extracts, cell culture supernatant, cit plasma.

Mouse vegf elisa kit

The Mouse VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) kit is used to measure mouse VEGF in cell culture supernates, tissue homogenates, mouse serum and plasma.

Rat vegf elisa kit

Rat vegf elisa kit is an in-vitro enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for quantitative detection of rate vegf in cell lysates and tissue lysates.

vEGF elisa kit catalog